Typical Coverages
Primary Coverages:
- First Party Coverage (cybercrime expense) – business income loss, cost of notifying customers of a breach (which is legally required under the PIPA privacy act), credit monitoring, hiring of public relations firm to repair any damage done to image, regulatory fines or penalties incurred as a result of a breach, ransomware
- Third party liability (cyber liability) – protects the insured for its liability to others
- Direct Loss, legal liability, consequential loss
- Defence costs
Network and information security coverage may extend to:
- Electronic or non-electronic data and is not limited to e-commerce, website or other specified activities, or only to information “on premises”
- Medical or health care information
- Any private personal information that is protected under any local, provincial, state, federal or foreign law
- Failure to provide notification required by ANY security breach notification law
- Claims made by employees
Other Coverages:
- Defence expense coverage for regulatory claims – for network and information security coverage and communications and media liability
- Coverage for unfair business practice claims under network and information security or communication and media insuring agreements – If such practices directly result from a network and information security wrongful act or a communications and media wrongful act
Network and information security coverage is not narrowed by exclusions for:
- Failure to maintain a computer network or system
- Failure to maintain risk controls
- Lack of performance in software
- “Spyware,” “cookies” or other invasive devices or methods used to collect private information
- Trading losses
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